Tom Pastor Tom Pastor

How Chewing Impacts Your Digestion, Breathing, and Bone Development

You know the scene: It’s approaching noon and your stomach is rumbling. But you just have one more thing to do before you take a break for lunch. That one thing turns into five things and suddenly it’s way past meal time and you’re scrounging around the break room or the fridge (or your smartphone delivery app) for something to eat. Anything to eat. And once you find that something, you haul it back to your desk to mindlessly eat it while you check your email, scroll through social media, or start a new project. Sound familiar?

We’re not great at taking the time we should to pay attention both to the foods we prepare and the way we eat. No judgement—we’ve all been there. But the truth is that connecting to our food is actually a key part of our mental and physical health. That’s why we’re diving into specifics about how to eat more mindfully, and reap the benefits of connecting to your food. And we’re starting with how you chew.

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